Sunday, January 27, 2008

The biggest lesson I learned that enhanced my marketing results.

The biggest lesson I learned that enhanced my marketing results was one that I heard from Zig Ziglar himself. He said, "Write down (6) six things everyday that are most important from top priority down. Do this everyday, 365 days a year. You will produce results." He is right!

Have you ever had those days where you were extremely busy but did not feel like you achieved all that you set out to do. That might have been the day you were side tracked, took on too many phone calls, answered one to many emails, or the like. In fact, we can get so busy some days that we never touch on ANY of the important tasks we need to do.

Stop! Take a moment and jot down the 15 or so things that have to be done this week. From there, categorize and prioritize the most important. Shooting for no more than 6 priority tasks each day. Include at least one marketing task for your business. It's important to always focus on marketing and sales because it's the life line of your business. Without revenue, your company may cease to exist.

Start now. Don't hesitate. I started this as a new years resolution and it has done wonders for achieving those things I just couldn't seem to find time for in the past. None the less, it was very important on growing my business so I took charge of my "To Do" lists. You should do the same.

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