Sunday, January 6, 2008

7 Core Values of Branding: Implement now while you’re young

A Brand Building Strategy that’s built on brand-centric feedback and customer experiences. According to, A New Brand World written by Scott Bedbury et. al., marketing and branding work through building an emotional experience for your client not necessarily a logical one. Emotional hot buttons are extremely effective. The author points out (7) core branding values that every brand should follow:

1. Simplicity (Risk insult for the sake of clarity)

2. Patience (Solid brands are patient and realize that it is not built overnight but with specific strategies in place)

3. Relevance (You cannot build a lasting company on one product or service. Look for relevance and alliances to create more opportunity)

4. Accessibility (Always include your website address, phone number and contact information, and always follow-up with some sort of response)

5. Humanity (Connect your brand to something much larger, more timeless, and more interesting than just your company, no matter how great you think it is)

6. Omni-presence (Place your brand where it needs to be to represent your values, fulfillment of our higher values)

7. Innovation (Create an inspiring environment and hire people who have the same values as you have)

A good brand parent has a well thought out vision, mission and core-values as well as a business plan and business model. Take an online survey at to learn more about your marketing readiness.

If there is one thing that Scott Bedbury knows, it's good brand parenting. He has lead some of the largest conglomerates in the world to reach even higher grounds. Just to name two, Nike and Starbuck's. Advice doesn't get any better than this.

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