Everyone will listen to experts, right? How do you become one? Unless you are highly qualified already and have multiple certifications and/or degrees, it might be a long journey to becoming "The Expert" trusted adviser in your field. However, I believe that this is a long-term strategy that can be a won if you follow a few simple techniques:
- Write articles for your local newspaper. Don't you remember writing letters to the editor? Pick up a magazine or newspaper and read the style of that journal. Once you get a feel for the type of writing, give it a shot. If you do get published, this clearly gives you a great start to a portfolio that will build lasting credibility. If your not a great writer, there is only one way to get better and that's to start writing.
- Know your target audience. You will hear me say this a million times. I don't know how many times I have to tell my clients to narrow their audience. The more defined the easier to target.
- Always be prepared and do your homework. I spend at least 1000 hours a year studying marketing and case studies. Anything and everything that has to do with marketing, PR, online marketing, etc... I'm reading about it. With fast changes in every industry just about, you have to be cutting edge and knowledgeable to speak as an expert.
- Develop a long-term strategy. Another bit of advice you will hear from me often. Becoming an expert isn't an overnight plan. In fact, if you do not develop the mind set that it's going to take time to build your credibility, you will not be able to get past the quick fix syndrome that many small business owners have. Think about posting articles, starting a blog, speaking engagements, educating consumers, or building a portfolio of events and press releases that demonstrate your expertise.
- How about a newsletter and email list. A small article in a local newspaper can generate an email opt-in list if you give away free advice by directing them to sign up for your newsletter online. It's really quite simple. Think about all the topics you can cover. Plan them out over a year. Develop the articles and send out a blast at least once a month but typically no more than three.
Most of all, credibility builds trust and trust generates sales. You have to crawl before you can walk. Plan today!
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