Saturday, January 26, 2008

How Often Should You Email Your Clients?

Good news travels fast, but how often is considered too much? Well, that's a debate and it really depends on a lot of factors. First and foremost, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you have an opt-in list?
  2. Are your messages targeted?
  3. Do you get to the point?
  4. Do you have an objective for contacting them? (i.e. sales, informative, educational)
  5. Do you bring value to your readers?
These are simple questions you can ask to begin deciding how often you should contact your clients. In a sales environment, I've seen emails come across weekly if not daily in some cases. In an informative or educational environment, I've seen weekly or monthly. Rest assured that people are getting a lot of email correspondence frequently and they are also bombarded with traditional advertisements on a daily basis. Is this overload?

Here are a few quick tips:
  • A good rule of thumb is around 2-3 times a month (depending on your objective)
  • Poll your clients to see if the correspondence reaches your goal
  • Take an educational approach to build trust
  • Review your spam or opt-out statistics
  • Offer what your clients really want to hear or buy (use targeted list)
These quick marketing tips should help you but in the industry, there is much debate about this. The question still remains how much is too much or too little for that matter? If you don't contact the client on a regular basis, they'll buy from your competitor. If you contact them too much, they'll become annoyed. You just can't seem to win for loosing. The important factor is that you reach your target audience with a valuable message they need.

Tell us what worked for you so we can pass that to other aspiring entrepreneurs.

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